EPLD – Mobility in Serbia, ERASMUS + Project
The Network of Local Action Groups together with LEADER France and Eesti Leader Liit organised and carried out the third mobility within the EPLD Project ERASMUS + Programme.

The previous two mobilities took place in France in November 2022. where we participated in the annual LEADER France Assembly and Ms Sandra Macura ( the member of the LAG FGD Board ) as one of the representatives from the Network of LAGs in Serbia had the honour of being one of the judges for the best LEADER Project in 2022. within French LAGs. The next mobility which was in Estonia in February 2023. also included visits to a big number of successfuly implemented LEADER Projects where we could see in the best possible way how the community can help in developing its territory.
Mobility in Serbia took place from 17th – 21st October 2023. where the Network of LAGs in Serbia was a host for delegations from France and Estonia. Within a few days we presented a few of the LAGs which are members of the Network of LAGs in Serbia. The first day included the visit to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy in Belgrade where the host to our guests was Ms Jasmina Miljkovic, Head of The IPARD Managing Authority. Ms Miljkovic informed us about the level of implementation of IPARD Programme in Serbia as well as support measures in IPARD 3 Programme. At the same meeting Ms Sandra Macura (member of the LAG FGD Board), coordinator of EPLD Project for Serbia, talked about current situation regarding LAGs in Serbia from the LAGs’ point of view and also presented a few examples of good practice from the LAGs in Serbia. Mr Thibaut Guignard, President of LEADER France and President of ELARD ( European LEADER Association for Rural Development ) welcomed the effort which is taken by our MA into implementation of LEADER in Serbia but also pointed out the importance of LAGs and the necessity of helping them and relying on them in rural development.

Delegations from France and Estonia visited LAG Fruska Gora-Danube the first day of their visit where they were welcomed by the Mayor of Beočin Ms Biljana Janković who especially specified the importance of LAGs in the rural development. She also mentioned the significance of encouraging women in rural areas toward entrepreneurship and also the importante role of LAGs in this task.
The mobility consisted of delegations from France and Estonia ( representatives of LAGs or Networks from these two countries ) visiting LAG K2, LAG Fruska Gora-Danube, LAG Heart of Backa, LAG Panonian Fijaker and LAG Potamisje.
The Project will be concluded in December in Brussels, on 18th and 19th, when delegations from these three countries France, Estonia and Serbia will be attending 2023 European LEADER Congress.
The Network of LAGs in Serbia will have the opportunity to participate in the Congress and also to become the member of ELARD. The Network’s representative will be Ms Sandra Macura ( member of the LAG FGD Board ) which is a huge responsibility but an honour as well.